“The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others.”
–Tibetan proverb
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: harrydoby
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Thorntonite
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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Obama raised 52$ in the month of June to bring his total cash on hand to $72. John McCain reports 22$ in June with 95$ on hand in combination with the RNC. The DNC has 4$ on hand.
that those figures are supposed to be multiplied by a million.
so yes.
Then, they don’t need my two cents worth,
Wiggle room for a cheapskate, huh? 🙂
Thus reads the Rocky Mountain News’ banner headline.
“In town, on the attack.”
Sheesh. I thought it was only Black MEN whom whites subliminally view with fear and dread. Now it’s WOMEN as well?
“In town, with a message” would have been better. Or “In town, on message.”
Maybe it’s because I’m in a family with 4 very strong women. But I think she is awesome. So I read “on the attack” in a positive way. But I can see how others might not.
You expected different?
A number of months ago I pointed out that a lot of the stories on the front page were getting pretty long; please do a snippet and those interested can open the “More” link.
Seems like the old days. More and more items made very long, makes scrolling a lot more tedious.
He can open his eyes while drinking cool-aid.
since Bob didn’t really care about the WMD’s at the time…
Even with that ONE AND ONLY REGRET Big Oil Bob sure did make a healthy profit from his vote FOR WAR
This time it’s Nevada. Rasmussen reports that Obama has now taken a narrow (within the MOE) lead in the state of Nevada; the 2-point lead is 42-40, or 47-45 when pushing leaners….
are both fucking nuts. According to these two wacko’s, the liberal agenda is still kill everyone!
And I thought all liberals rode bicycles to work which would neglect the need for more parking spots.
Are there ten in the U.S.?
OK, I exaggerate. We were once a nation of machinists. That’s partly how we won WWII. Oddly, just the other day I reflected for a moment on my metal shop class in 1958. That that NY school board would deem it good for boys to learn the first things about drafting and being a machinist.
Now, that’s almost all done with computers.
As an aside, the girls took Home Ec. About 15 years later my mother was a teacher but in Florida. She caused quite a stir when she told her students that the boys could take Home Ed and the girls could take shop if they wanted to! And some did.
I trust one of them did it first.
I’m not sure I’d trust myself to a Trebuchet ride, though.
from the Honolulu Advertiser
Click the link to read the whole thing – it’s pretty short and hilarious.
seems to have another Big Oil problem on his oily hands. It seems Schaffer has put himself into yet another oily situation (how do you know when Bob is lying?) by opening his mouth…
Hope it hits the front page here today.
Congratulations to the Grand Junction Sentinel for asking the right questions of the right people.
Bob Schaffer: LIAR.